Fruit-dove Love And Riflebird Mom

When it comes to beautiful and colorful birds, Australia is crazy-blessed with them. The parrots alone are worth the price of admission (and if you are talking the price of a permanent resident visa, you are talking about unbelievably expensive parrots). But with all the fuss over the Parrots, when it comes to colors, it is hard to out-shine Fruit-doves. Yesterday we saw two of these wonderful birds and I am grateful.

The first was a Wompoo Fruit-dove, which was not a life bird, but it was a stunner and I got some photos. I am grateful.

Wompoo Fruit-dove gorgeousness

The second was the Superb Fruit-dove, which flew down beside us (sort of) as we were birding down a road about 20 minutes from the lodge. I took no photos, it was mostly obscured by foliage, but we got some sweet looks at the wondrous colors on this bird. Then it flew back into the rain forest. We had heard their calls along the road and were so grateful that we got to see one!

While on that road, I watched a mother Victoria’s Riflebird feeding an immature bird. The female is a stunningly gorgeous bird in its own right. I think the immature was a male; they have shorter bills than the females. It was lovely observing them and I am grateful.
Momma Victoria's Rifelbird feeding its child.

The beautiful female Victoria's Riflebird

Still hungry, still begging.
As I sit here, lots of birds are coming into the feeders (as they do every morning). A Spangled Drongo just perched about 2 meters from me. I just sat quietly and loved it. I am grateful. Oh, and here is a photo of Silvereye, because I don’t think I have posted one of this beautiful, but common little bird.
Silvereye... the ring around the eye is wider up here than I am used to seeing in Victoria. They are such beautiful little birds. I am grateful.

Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.